Our development agency is committed to providing you the best service.


The awesome people behind our brand ... and their life motto.

  • Neila Jovan

    Head Hunter

    I long for the raised voice, the howl of rage or love.

  • Mathew McNalis

    Marketing CEO

    Contented with little, yet wishing for much more.

  • Michael Duo


    If anything is worth doing, it's worth overdoing.


We pride ourselves with strong, flexible and top notch skills.


Development 90%
Design 80%
Marketing 70%


Development 90%
Design 80%
Marketing 70%


Development 90%
Design 80%
Marketing 70%


We help our clients integrate, analyze, and use their data to improve their business.










Phasellus iaculis dolor nec urna nullam. Vivamus mattis blandit porttitor nullam.


We pride ourselves on bringing a fresh perspective and effective marketing to each project.

  • Percakapan Bahasa InggrisTentang Persahabatan

    Percakapan Bahasa InggrisTentang Persahabatan

    Percakapan Bahasa InggrisTentang Persahabatan ini menjadi pembahasan saya di postingan kali ini oleh tresno English.  Postingan ini merupakan contoh dari sebuah percakapan/dialog menggunakan bahasa Inggris.

    Percakapan Bahasa InggrisTentang Persahabatan ini sangat bermanfaat bagi anda semuanya yang membutuhkan contoh percakapan bahasa Inggris baik itu mengerjakan tugas atau sekedar referensi saja.

    Oke langsung saja berikut ini adalah contoh Percakapan Bahasa InggrisTentang Persahabatan untuk anda  ....

    : mmm I heard that you had found you brother, Iqbal ?
    : Yeah, It’s absolutely rigth.
    : wow, it’s great ! what did you feel ?
    : of course I was happy indeed. I was directly shocked with the finding him
    : could you please tell me the story
    : at that time it was really unbearable for me not to contact him especially after haveing a nightmare about him too. I directly brougth some phone numbers of him. I searched his facebook using those numbers one by one, unfortunately I had to do many things in school so that I could not continue the search.
    : so did you continue the search ?
    : no I did not.
    : Why did not you continoe it ?
    : I lost those number because I left them on the table and some one threw them away.
    : ow how cruel it was. Who did it ?
    : one of teacher in the office, mrs Fai, she did not know.....
    : then what did you do ?
    : I looked for them in the dustbin, but ..... I could not find them.
    : oh what a pitty? Did not you save his number in your handphone?
    : I did but my old handphone was out of order and I could not use it though I had tried to charge it repeatedly. I was really sad with that.
    : what happened then ?
    : its may be two or three weeks later, it was in the evening when I was being so mess because of my job, I tried to entertain myself with opening my facebook. When I just opened it, there was a notification of friend requet, i directly opened it to see who added me as friend.
    : it was your Iqbal?
    : yes, its correct. I found Iqbal Fahmi. I was so happy I hurriedly received his friend request. Then we had some chat together....it was really shocking..
    : what were you talking about ?
    : we talked about many topics. I appoligized him for not contacting him, and told me that he lost my number when one day his handphone was stolen by someone. He told me that he had had two children, he intreduced them to me...  I was raelly really happy to have the story again, I did not think that I could have that kind of chat again..
    : ow, its so toucing... I am happy to hear that.
    : thank you ...

    Oke, demikianlah Percakapan Bahasa InggrisTentang Persahabatan untuk anda semuanya semoga bermanfaat ..... tetaplah di tresno English ... terima kasih ..
  • Go, goes, went & gone

    Go, goes, went & gone

    Go, goes, went & gone adalah topik pembahasan tresno English kali ini. Go, goes, went & gone
    Adalah kata kerja tak beraturan atau irregular verb sehingga bentuk satu dan lainnya berbeda – beda, go/goes adalah kate kerja bentuk pertama atau V1, went adalah kata kerja bentuk kedua atau V2, dan gone adalah kata kerja bentuk ketiga atau V3, namun demikian kata Go, goes, went & gone memiliki arti yang sama yakni PERGI. Nah adapun penjelasan lebih lanjutnya mari kita simak penjelasan mengenai Go, goes, went & gone berikut ini ...

    1.         Menggunaka Go
    Go adalah kata kerja bentuk kesatu, digunakan untuk subject seperti I,you, we, they, atau subject jamak dengan waktu sekarang atau digunakan dalam rumus Simple Present Tense
    a.       I go to Tusar’s house
    b.       You go to market
    c.       We go to school
    d.       They go to Banjarnegara
    e.       Irvan and Revan go to Campus

    2.       Menggunakan Goes
    Sama seperti go hanya saja goes digunakan oleh subject tunggal seperti he, she, it, serta kata benda tunggal. Ini digunakan dlama rumus Simple Present Tense juga
    a.       He goes to my house
    b.       She goes to Jakarta
    c.       It goes to a jungle alone
    d.       Tyo goes to Jatimalang beach

    3.      Menggunakan Went
    Went digunakan oleh semua subject dan untuk membuat kalimat lampau, tadi, kemarin, lalu dll.... ini digunakan dlam rumus Simple Past Tense
    a.       I went to Tusar’s house
    b.       You went to market
    c.       We went to school
    d.       They went to Banjarnegara
    e.       Revan and Revan went to campus
    f.        He went to my house
    g.       She went to Jakarta
    h.       It went to jungle alone
    i.         Tyo went to Jatimalang beach

    4.      Menggunakan Gone
    Nah kalau gone, memiliki arti SUDAH atau sudah pergi, ini digunakan dalam rumus Perfect Tense.

    a.       I have gone to Tusar’s house
    b.       You have gone to market
    c.       We have gone to school
    d.       They have gone to Banjarnegara
    e.       Revan and Revan have gone to campus
    f.        He has gone to my house
    g.       She has gone to Jakarta
    h.       It has gone to jungle alone
    i.         Tyo has gone to Jatimalang beach

    Demikianlah pembahasan saya kali ini tentang Go, goes, went & gone untuk sobat tresno English semuanya semoga bermanfaat. Terima kasih dan sampai jumpa lagi di tresno English ..... see you soon ...
  • Soal UN K-13 MTs.

    Soal UN K-13 MTs.
    Halo sobat tresno English semuanya..... ini ada sebuah postingan khusus buat sobat semua yang sedang menghadapi Ujian Nasional /UN yaitu sebuah postingan yang berjudul Soal UN K-13 MTs.

    Soal UN K-13 MTs ini saya uraikan tentang tipe atau model soal Ujian nasional / UN yang menggunakan kurikulum 2013 / K-13.

    Dalam Soal UN K-13 MTs. ada tiga jenis soal UN yakni ;

    Yang masing-masing akan diberikan contoh soal-soalnya sebagai berikut ....


    1.   The text is written to….
    2.   What is the writer’s  intention to write the text?
    3.   Who is the text addressed to?
    4.   The text is likely addressed to….
    5.   The text is about….
    6.   What  is the text about?
    7.   What does the text tell us about?                        
    8.   The topic of the text is….( phrase /not sentence)
    9.   The profession of the writer is likely….
    10.                     What is likely the writer of the text?
    11.                     Where can we find such kind of the text?
    12.                     What is the purpose of the text above?
    13.                     The purpose of the text is….


    1.   Receiving the message, what will Ida do?
    2.   How is the product being advertised?
    3.   What is the characteristics of…?
    4.   The advantages of Aloe Vera can be found in paragraph….
    5.   The main idea of the second paragraph is….
    6.   Based on the text, What will happen if we do not cut the wood?
    7.   Based on the steps on the text, What is the advantages of the rope?
    8.   Based on the steps on the text, the blender will stop unless….


    1.   The underlined word is closest in meaning to….
    2.   The word “him” refers to….
    3.   Grammar tetapi tetap sesuai konteks text yang dipakai..
    4.   Conjunction tapi tetap terkait sesuai dengan teks yang tersedia

    Demikianlah postingan saya tentang Soal UN K-13 MTs untuk sobat tresno English semuanya semoga bermanfaat. Tetaplah di tresno English ya .... terima kasih ....

  • Diary Bahasa Inggris tentang Merriage of Sono Prabowo

    Diary Bahasa Inggris tentang Merriage of Sono Prabowo
              Halo sobat tresno English semuanya ......... masih bersama saya di tresno English.
              Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan berbagi sebuah postingan bagus yang berjudul Diary Bahasa Inggris tentang Merriage of Sono Prabowo khusus untuk kamu semuanya ....
                Diary Bahasa Inggris tentang Merriage of Sono Prabowo ini menceritakan tentang sebuah marriage dari Sono Prabowo. Untuk lebih jelasnya mari kita simak contoh Diary Bahasa Inggris tentang Merriage of Sono Prabowo.
    February, 20th 2017
    16: 4

           It is about a week again my lovely brother Sono Prabowo is going to get merried. Last week I asked him via facebook about when would be his marriage, some days later he answered it. He told me that his marriage was about three moree weeks.

           I did not forget too to ask about the place. He then said that the place would be in Padang west Sumatra. He wanted me to pray for it. He did not invite me to come there. Parhaps he thought that it was impossible to invite me to go there.

           I was actually very sad if I could not be able to attend his marriage. Long ago I planned to attend his marriage. At that time his girl friend was from Pemalang so it was easy for me to get there, but he finally did not get married with that girl. He told me that he got married with his new girl friend he met in Bandung a month before.

           I did not think that I can go to Padang. Besides it is very far, it will bother him so much if I go there. Of course I feel really uncomfortable with this situation.

           Why must be in Padang ? why?. I always prayed in order that he finds a girl friend in my hometown Banjarnegara. I really tirelessly pray for it. But what has happened is just the contrary.

           I could only pray for his marriage. I hope everithing will be fine, nice and then his family will be full of happiness forever, amiin ....

           My best wishes to my lovely Sono Prabowo

              Oke, demikianlah postingan saya kali ini yang berjudul Diary Bahasa Inggris tentang Merriage of Sono Prabowo untuk kamu semuanya semoga bermanfaat. Tetaplah di tresno English ya .....



    Buat sobat tresno English semuanya yang sedang persiapan UN 2017 pelajaran bahasa Inggris, ini tresno English membagikan soal-soal listening section UN MA 2017 untuk kamu semuanya ......

    Soal-soal listening section UN MA 2017 berikut ini sangat perlu kamu ketahui dan pelajari karena soal listening section dari tahun ke tahun nyaris sama saja. Beberapa contoh soal listening section berikut ini sebaiknya dibiasakan untuk dipelajari karena kalau sudah terbiasa dengan soal-soal listening section berikut ini akan membuat kamu semua semakin terbiasa dengan soal-soal listening section yang lainnya. 

    1.     What is the conversation about ?
    2.     What is the monologue about?
    3.     What does the man ask the woman about ?
    4.     What does the boy want ?
    5.     What does the man offer ?
    6.     What is the best response to the man’s question ?
    7.     How will the man likely reply ?
    8.     What is the best response ?
    9.     How would the man respond to the boy’s question ?
    10. How will the girl likely respond?
    11. What is the most appropriate response ?
    12. What is the woman possibly reply ?
    13. How will the woman probably respond ?
    14. Which picture matches the description ?
    15. Which picture matches the monologue ?
    16. Which picture goes to the dialogue ?
    17. Who are the speakers ?
    18. Where does the dialogue take place ?
    19. Where do you think the speaker are ?
    20. What does the boy mean ?
    21. Why does the woman appologize ?
    22. Why does the boy dissagree with the girl ?
    23. What will the woman probably do ?

    Nah itulah tadi ada sekitar 23 soal-soal listening section UN MA 2017 yang kamu perlu pelajari dan ketahui. Silahkan dipelajari dan semoga postingan kali ini tentang soal-soal listening section UN MA 2017 bermanfaat buat sobat tresno English semuanya. Terima kasih dan sampai jumpa .....

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