Surat bahasa Inggris untuk Zain

  • Surat bahasa Inggris untuk Zain

    Surat bahasa inggris untuk Zain ini adalah contoh penulisan surat pribadi menggunakan bahasa inggris. 

    Buat kamu yang sedang mencari contoh surat pribadi menggunakan bahasa inggris, maka postingan ini dapat menjadi salah satu jawabannya.....
    Oke, silahkan disimak .....

    Banjarnegara, 18 th September 2016
    Dear Zain

           On this my spare time I spare myself to write you a letter. I just want to say thank you very much to you that at that time you could show me that you were very kind friend.
    I really did not think that I could still have good chat with you.

           Almost every year, every fiest day I never fogot to send you congratulation. Every Idul Fitri I send you message “Happy Idul Fitri”. Every Idul Adha I send you message “Happy Idul Adha” especially on your birthday I never forget to say “happy birthday to you” I pray for you and so on.

           But...... you never reply it. I do not know why ? may be you are being very busy or may be you do not want to reply it. For me it’s no problem, I never care it. The important thing is that I send you message.

           I happened to think that I lost a friend like you but I do not know sudenly you were willing to reply my message for my saying happy Idul Adha at that time. It really made me so happy. More over you admitted yourself that you never replied my message. You also blamed yourself and you said that you were so cruel.

           You are nor cruel, you are very kind and I am happy indeed to get the story like at that time. I never care your reply because my task is only sending message without hoping the reply.

           I hope we can always befriend although we are away.

    Your sincerely


    Demikianlah contoh surat pribadi menggunakan bahasa Inggris semoga bermanfaat. Tetaplah di tresno English ya ......
    Tata for now !!!!
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