Recount text – Going to Wonosobo (20916)

  • Recount text – Going to Wonosobo (20916)

    Berikut ini adalah sebuah teks recount tentang pergi ke Wonosobo. Buat yang sedang mencari teks recount terbaru dan terbeda. Maka teks recount ini bisa menjadi jawabannya.....
    Silahkan disimak ....

    The leak of my tire
            Yesterday I went to Wonosobo. My father asked me to go there to give pocket money for my little brother in Bumen. It was said that my little brother needed money to buy additional handbooks in his school.
            Before going there, one had to be prepared was raincoat. It was very important thing should be considered. That day I had many things to do so I had to manage the time as well as possible.
            It took around 1,5 hours for me to arrive there. When I just arrived there I felt that there was something wrong with my motorcycle. I got off to check what had happened to my motorcycle. I found the tire leaked. I could not be long time there.
            I met one student and I asked him to call my young brother to meet me at the entrance. I was so sad because I had no more time. I felt that I would miss one of my agenda because of the leak.
            My young brother met me and I gave him the pocket money and I told him that I could not be long time because the tire leaked. I dierectly went away to repaire my tire. After some meters away of my trip, I found a workshop on the roadside. Then I repaired my tire there.
            Unfortunately there were two holes on my inner tube. It meant that I needed rather long time to repair it. It meant too that I could not arrive home timely and I would miss one of my schedule there.
            Fortunately I did not catch in rain.

    Demikianlah teks recount tentang pergi ke Wonosobo buat sobat tresno English semuanya semoga bermanfaat. Jangan lupa baca artikel lainnya di tresno English. Thank you and see you soon ....
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