• Latihan soal simple past tense

    Latihan soal simple past tense

    Silahkan uji pemahaman kamu tentang simple past tense berikut ini.
    1.   Yesterday Revan ...... that he was at home
    a.   Tell me
    b.   Told me
    c.   Telling me
    d.   Was told me
    2.   Ando ......... Jambi some weeks ago
    a.   Go to
    b.   Gone to
    c.   Went to
    d.   Going to
    3.   I ...... so shocked to hear that
    a.   Am
    b.   Being
    c.   Were
    d.   was
    4.   Ivin ........ with me to go to Dieng Plateu although rain season
    a.   Agreed
    b.   Agree
    c.   Agreeing
    d.   Was agree
    5.   Mujab said that .....
    a.   He is so sad
    b.   He was so sad
    c.   He so sad
    d.   He sad
    6.   When did Sono come to your home?
    a.   He comes here three years ago
    b.   He coming here three years ago
    c.   He came here three years ago
    d.   He was come here three years ago
    7.   Yesterday I saw you in the market, what did you buy?
    a.   I buy some fresh fruits
    b.   I bought some fresh fruits
    c.   I was buy some fresh fruits
    d.   I buying some fresh fruits
    8.   Did you ............ with Irfan?
    a.   Go to school
    b.   Went to school
    c.   Going to school
    d.   Gone to school
    9.   Rima ........ understand the lesson
    a.   Was not
    b.   Not
    c.   Did
    d.   Did not
    10.                Rudy ........ bad boy I knew
    a.   Did not
    b.   Were not
    c.   Not
    d.   Was not
    Tetap di tresno English...... terima kasih....
    Tresno English
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